Americans United for Separation of Church and State Orange County Chapter

AU-OC Presents:
American Crusade:
How the Supreme Court
Is Weaponizing Religious Freedom
with Andrew Seidel 

Saturday, August 17th at 3:30pm PST

Zoom Only 

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Critically acclaimed author and constitutional attorney Andrew L. Seidel looks at some of the key Supreme Court cases over the last decade to show how a hallowed legal protection, freedom of religion, has been turned into a tool to advance privilege and impose conservative Christianity on others. Seidel, who works at Americans United for Separation of Church and State, has been in this fight for more than a decade.

Andrew L. Seidel  

VP of Strategic Communications
Americans United for Separation of Church and State

Andrew’s been fighting to keep state and church separate for more than a decade. Currently, Andrew is the VP of Strategic Communications at Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Previously, Andrew served as a constitutional attorney at the Freedom From Religion Foundation beginning in 2011 and later as the Director of Strategic Response.  He is a Senior Correspondent at Religion Dispatches, a prolific author of op-eds and scholarly articles. He organized and contributed to the groundbreaking report “Christian Nationalism at the January 6, 2021, Insurrection,” which was published by the Baptist Joint Committee and FFRF and which aroused congressional interest. 

Before dedicating his life and law degree to keeping state and church separate, Andrew was a Grand Canyon tour guide and an accomplished nature photographer. 

American Crusade

How the Supreme Court is Weaponizing Religious 

Andrew is a constitutional and civil rights attorney and the author of two books: The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American and American Crusade: How the Supreme Court is Weaponizing Religious Freedom.

For more information:


Call: 714-299-4551

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